
Patent Translation

Patent Translation

Patent Translation Fee

Japanese translation English (100 words) to Japanese 1,800JPY (without Tax)
English translation Japanese (100 characters) to English 1,800JPY (without Tax)

*Campaign prices are offered for Japanese translations.

*A consumption tax of 10% is charged when requesting services in Japan.

[Price Calculation] Translation prices are calculated in units of 100 words (units of 100 are rounded up so 583 characters comes to 6 units). The number of characters or words can be counted using word processing software making the counting process simple. Prices per 100 characters differ depending on the difficulty level in the number ranges listed on the table. Estimates are given free of charge.

[Minimum Fees] Our minimum fee for each translation job is 8000JPY.

[Large Quantity Discount] We offer discounts based on quantity with 10% off for services ¥30,000 or higher, 20% off for services ¥100,000 or higher and 25% for services ¥200,000 or higher (prices do not include tax).

Patent Application in Japan and Overseas

 For clients who have applied for a patent in Japan, it is possible to have the patent translated into English at JOHO and carry out the application based on PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) at the Japan Patent Office through the JOHO International Patent Office if it is within the priority period.
 In addition, it is also possible to submit national documents and translations to countries in which you would like rights through coordinating with overseas law firms within the determined time limit for submitting national documents (international application translation submission) in each country from the date of application.

International application translation submission can be confirmed on WIPO homepage; http://www.wipo.int/pct/en/texts/time_limits.html.  Refer to the “PCT Applications” page for patent procedures used in PCT application.
 A flexible schedule is necessary to ensure a high quality translation.

 For clients who have applied for a patent overseas within the priority period and clients who have carried out the PCT application within the time limit for submitting national documents, it is possible to have the patent translated into Japanese at JOHO and carry out the application in Japan or carry out procedures for submitting national documents through the JOHO International Patent Office.
 In addition, clients who have carried out application of foreign documents in Japan can also have the patent translated into Japanese at JOHO carry out procedures to submit the translation through the JOHO International Patent Office.

PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) Patent Application

 The PCT is an international treaty adhered to by approximately 148 countries, known as contracting states that facilitates the filing of applications for patents on the same invention in more than one country. Under the PCT, as administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), an applicant can initiate patent protection procedures in a multitude of countries by filing a single PCT application, commonly referred to as an international application. The PCT also allows for the claiming of Convention priority, where the first application may be filed in one country or region, followed by the filing of a PCT application within one year of the first application which claims priority to all PCT contracting states.

 While PCT does not result in an international patent, compared to the conventional Paris Convention commonly used for international patent application, a PCT application allows the applicant to defer filing national and regional applications for up to 30 months from the priority date, as well as the opportunity to obtain a patent office opinion on patentability and address some initial prosecution issues. Consequently, by filing a PCT application the applicant may have a better chance to ascertain the patentability and profitability of their invention and therefore make a more informed decision regarding the merits of filing internationally.